Wednesday 15 June 2011

New Romney ad slams Obama on jobs

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is zeroing in on President Obama's Achilles heel for 2012: jobs. Here's his new ad.

Romney himself does not appear in the video, which turns Obama's June 3 comment that "there are always going to be bumps on the road to recovery" into an attack highlighting historically high unemployment of about 9.1 percent.

Instead, the ad shows people lying in a road, then standing up each in turn to declare "I'm an American, not a bump in the road" and holding up a placard with their name followed by "stands with Mitt."

It's surely no accident that the people appearing in Romney's ad are emblematic of the demographic groups that turned out for Obama in such high numbers in 2008: young people, minorities, women. They're also the demographic that Obama is going to be counting on in 2012, and those who stayed home in 2010.

Romney gets that jobs and the economy are what can beat Obama in 2012. Let's hope that Obama and his team realize that, too.


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