Wednesday 15 June 2011

Today in Congress

Recapping yesterday's action:

Yesterday, the schedule said that House Members should expect a "longer than usual" series of votes at the end of the day. So, how many votes did they have? A whopping four. They adopted two amendments to the MilCon appropriations bill, rejected another, then passed a motion on whether or not to retain Title II of the bill, which is the entire Department of Veterans' Affairs section. Why would they bother doing that? Was there ever any question of whether or not they ought to be appropriating for the VA? Well, I missed the Rules Committee debate on this crazy procedure (it was written into the rule for the bill for some reason), so frankly, I just don't know. Maybe we could look into that one day.

Anyway, the Senate was there, too! They unanimously supported National Men's Health Week. Who knew that magazine had it's own week? Well, wieners are a hot topic right now, so it stands to reason.

Looking ahead to today:

The House is set to wrap up the passage of the MilCon (and VA!) bill, then move on to the Agriculture (and Rural Development! and FDA!) appropriations bill.

The Senate starts the day with two judicial nominations, expected to be relatively non-controversial.

Then lunch!

And then the economic sabotage and obstructionism vehicle of the day, by which I mean the bill to which Republicans will offer any damn amendment they can think of in order to slow down and possibly stop anything from happening. And today, that's S. 782, the Economic Development Revitalization Act.

Today's floor and committee schedules appear below the fold.


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